Conference Season

Conference Season is upon us. I’m going to two in the next month. Web 2.0 Conference Next week I’ll be traveling out to San Francisco for the Web 2.0 Conference, hosted by Medialive and O’Reilly Media. I hope to meet a lot of the folks who I’ve been writing about, including the makers of many […]

Conference Season is upon us. I’m going to two in the next month.

  • Web 2.0 Conference
    Next week I’ll be traveling out to San Francisco for the Web 2.0 Conference, hosted by Medialive and O’Reilly Media. I hope to meet a lot of the folks who I’ve been writing about, including the makers of many of the cool applications that are popping up like mad. Any Bokardo readers in the area? Drop me a line and we can have a chat! My email is bokardo at bokardo daught com.
  • User Interface 10 Conference
    The week after is the big one: User Interface 10 hosted by us at UIE. We’re really excited about this one because we have more people from more places coming to a line-up that you just can’t find anywhere else. I know I haven’t posted about this much, but I’m very proud of the speakers we have: Gerry McGovern, Molly and Eric, Kelly Goto, Kim Goodwin, and of course our founder Jared. I’m really looking forward to it!

Tis the Season.

Published: October 1st, 2005