Designing with Psychology in Mind (AEA slide deck)

Slides from my talk Designing with Psychology in Mind from An Event Apart Boston 2009.

I’ve just returned from speaking at An Event Apart Boston at which I gave a talk called Designing with Psychology in Mind. The event was top notch (as you may have heard) and I’m extremely honored to be among the distinguished speakers.

Thankfully, the conference coverage was excellent. Jeremy Keith wrote up a great set of notes (including notes for my talk). Two attendees created tweet tracker called A Feed Apart and another person created a great visualization called A Seat Apart. Yes, it was that kind of conference.

So here are my slides. I’ll probably give a similar talk going forward, so if you have any feedback I would love to hear.

View more slideshows from Joshua Porter.

Also, I have had several requests for a reading list…here it is.

Published: June 24th, 2009