Interview with Web Standards Queen Molly Holzschlag

I recently got the chance to interview web-maven Molly Holzschlag about web standards. As usual, she cuts right to the issues and addresses real-world problems that teams have had implementing web standards, including the biggest hurdle of them all: workflow. I’m happy that Molly is going to be speaking at our conference again this year (with the CSS-minded Eric Meyer, of course). If you’re familiar with their books, or have seen them at the event in the past, you’ll know that they used to break down the UI Conference web site and then rebuild it with web standards, showing every step of the process. Very interesting and worthwhile, but a tad embarrassing if you’re the developer of the web site like I am. Well, I couldn’t let that go on forever, so we’ve taken steps to make sure that they have to use a different web site for their examples in the future. 😉 They had their fun, though! Needless to say, interviewing Molly is always a delight.

I recently got the chance to interview web-maven Molly Holzschlag about web standards. As usual, she cuts right to the issues and addresses real-world problems that teams have had implementing web standards, including the biggest hurdle of them all: workflow. I’m happy that Molly is going to be speaking at our conference again this year (with the CSS-minded Eric Meyer, of course). If you’re familiar with their books, or have seen them at the event in the past, you’ll know that they used to break down the UI Conference web site and then rebuild it with web standards, showing every step of the process. Very interesting and worthwhile, but a tad embarrassing if you’re the developer of the web site like I am. Well, I couldn’t let that go on forever, so we’ve taken steps to make sure that they have to use a different web site for their examples in the future. 😉 They had their fun, though! Needless to say, interviewing Molly is always a delight.

Published: June 2nd, 2005