Win an XBox 360 Wireless Controller just for reading Bokardo!

Dear Readers, Comment on this post to win an XBox 360 wireless controller. ($40 value) Here’s a quick way to get a Holiday gift for your loved one: simply place a comment with your real name here on this post (and your real email address…which nobody but me can see…so I can notify you if […]

Dear Readers,

Comment on this post to win an XBox 360 wireless controller. ($40 value)

XBox Controller

Here’s a quick way to get a Holiday gift for your loved one: simply place a comment with your real name here on this post (and your real email address…which nobody but me can see…so I can notify you if you’ve won), and in a week from now (November 29 – after Black Friday and the ensuing shopping weekend) I’ll choose one lucky commenter at random to receive the prize. After I email you to get your address, I’ll send out the controller on my dime and you’ll receive it in plenty of time for the Holidays.

Oh, and one thing: your comment has to include something that makes you happy. I’ve left an example for you all…a list of a couple things that make me happy. Isn’t that what the Holidays are all about: sitting back and recognizing what’s good in our lives?

No small print, no hidden agendas, that’s it. Enter a comment for your chance to win.

Ok, one small thing. If you really, really, don’t want to enter your real name in the bright lights of the comments, send me an email instead (and make sure you include what makes you happy). That’s just as good…I’ll include it in the random drawing for the XBox 360 wireless controller.

Why am I giving away free stuff?

First, I’m not a gamer, and I don’t own an XBox 360, but I happen to have an extra XBox 360 Wireless Controller lying around. I know there are new systems on the market, and they sound very cool, but I don’t have controllers for those systems. 🙂

Second, I want to know who reads my blog. Every so often I actually meet a Bokardoan, and it’s fantastic. And sometimes I’m a reader of theirs, which is doubly cool. It’s the reason why I started blogging in the first place: to meet like-minded folks.

Unfortunately for my curious side, many folks are readers and not commenters. This is fine, I lurk on a lot of sites myself. But if we don’t happen to meet face-to-face at some event it’s entirely possible that I’ll never know who is reading, and vice versa. So, this is an experiment to try and remedy that. Now, I understand that most of you won’t be gamers…just because that’s not really in the wheelhouse of my audience, but most people know someone who is…

Finally, if you’re a reader and you don’t care about the controller but still wouldn’t mind unlurking for a minute send along an email to

I would love to hear from you.

Published: November 22nd, 2006