ARCHIVE: April, 2004

The Effect of Web Standards on Users

So, while much of the discussion focuses on whether sites validate, whether there is too much focus on standards, or which image-replacement technique is preferable, I’d like to humbly point out how these amazing new technologies affect those we design for.

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Why Users Can be Hard to Design For

Designing for users is hard work, even when you get a chance to talk to them. These are some of the reasons why.

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Some Reasons Why Web Standards Are Difficult to Learn

Web standards are wonderful. They help us make better web sites faster. However, they can be hard to learn. Here are some reasons why I think so.

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Common Ways Links Fail Users

What if every link that a user clicked led exactly to where they expected? Would that mean that users could not possibly get lost? Would they never feel the pain of not finding something?

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