ARCHIVE: February, 2005

Deciding what Features to Implement: Go for the Win-Win.

Deciding what features to implement on a site is not easy. It’s not that designers lack ideas, we often have many of them: too many to implement. Somehow we have to sift through these ideas and figure out which ones are the best ones to implement in the scope of the project and which ones aren’t worth the time and effort. Here’s one way how.

Continue Reading: Deciding what Features to Implement: Go for the Win-Win.

Amazon funding the 43Things Folksonomy?

One of the early folksonomy sites,, is being funded – somewhat secretly – by

Continue Reading: Amazon funding the 43Things Folksonomy?

Design Challenges

What’s your biggest design challenge?

Continue Reading: Design Challenges

I’ve Heard of Folksonomies. Now How do I Apply them to My Site?

Tons of conversations about folksonomies. Little talk about how to apply them to your site. What gives?

Continue Reading: I’ve Heard of Folksonomies. Now How do I Apply them to My Site?
