ARCHIVE: March, 2013

Wireframes are dead. Long live wireframes.

My good friend and colleague Dan Ritzenthaler has written Wireframes: A good communication tool, a poor design tool, an article that captures his insights on a lot of the conversations we’ve had lately at HubSpot. Dan is not dismissive of wireframes, but he doesn’t think they’re a good design tool. Instead, Dan says that wireframes […]

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My thoughts on wireframing, remote working, and the role of metrics in design

Recently I had the honor to be interviewed by Des Traynor for the excellent Intercom blog. Des and I talked about the controversy around whether wireframes are dead (they are ;), about working and designing remotely, as well as the role of metrics in the future of design. Des is a great interviewer, asks piercing […]

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Marketing and product design are the same thing.

Product marketing guru Seth Godin says that product design and marketing are the same thing, and I agree with him.

Continue Reading: Marketing and product design are the same thing.

Weekend reading: Disruption vs. Innovation

Two pieces on disruption vs. innovation.

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Which problems to build product from?

A nice little slide deck called Stop thinking up startup ideas. This point is worth repeating. Don’t imagine ideas that don’t exist, solve existing problems instead. So instead of “hey wouldn’t it be cool if…?” it’s more like “hey, did you know that…?”. It’s a small change of words, yes, but the first question is […]

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Always be capturing: a valuable tip for effective meetings

I recently wrote up a really valuable lesson we learned from the Google Ventures design team, that applies to much more than design: Always be Capturing. “‘Always be capturing’ is about the habit of continuously recording the value from your conversation. For example: If you’re talking about a new concept, you should be sketching it […]

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