TAG: Advice

The problem with “we’ll fix it later”

I was talking to a design team yesterday and one of the team members casually mentioned that they were launching something new. I took a quick look at what they were planning to launch and it was clear that something wasn’t quite right…there was a weird UI bug and some data looked off. So I […]

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Growing from 10 to 100 to 1000 users

Lots of folks I talk to about building products want to know how to grow from a tiny initial user base (10 people) up through 100 to 1000. It certainly seems like each of these stages is different, but it’s not clear why. I recently thought a lot about this when interviewed by Jay Acunzo […]

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How UX designers sleep at night

One of the biggest benefits of testing and prototyping is not often talked about: it gives you peace of mind.

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Five reasons why you should find what you love and double-down on it

Finding what you love is like compound interest…it works for you over time.

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