ARCHIVE: March, 2007

Kudos to Kathy Sierra

Kathy Sierra is awesome for standing up and sharing what happened so that others can learn and prevent it in the future.

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9 More Lessons for Would-Be Bloggers

A follow up to 9 Lessons for Would-be Bloggers.

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4 Behaviors of Sociality

Nicholas Wade, in Scientists find beginnings of Morality in Primate Behavior (NYTimes), produces a definition of sociality. Sociality is comprised of four behaviors: empathy the ability to learn and follow social rules reciprocity peacemaking So this would answer the question: What does social mean? That’s a core part of what we’re talking about here at […]

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Another reason why Twitter is so interesting

My obligatory Twitter post. An interesting thing about Twitter is that, on the web site, the read page is also the write page. On the very same page that we read aggregated posts from our contacts we write our own posts to them. This is different…most tools don’t have this except IM. Not SMS, not […]

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Comic: 2.0 2.0

What is the next big thing? 2.0 2.0

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9 Lessons for Would-be Bloggers

A few lessons learned in 7 years of blogging.

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How Social is Amazon?

What an Amazon product page looks like from 50,000 feet.

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The Shaker Design Philosophy

I love this design philosophy of the Shakers…goes for designing anything.

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Five Principles to Design By

Five high-level principles that guide my design.

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Domain as Identity Getting Closer to Real

Brian Oberkirch has a nice post about how we need OpenID to corral the proliferation of identity information out there on the Web.

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