ARCHIVE: September, 2008

The Live Web

We’re building tools to watch the world change… Doc Searls has a wonderful post on his long-time meme: The Live Web. What I like about Doc is that he knows words matter. So when he talks about the Web he uses specific words and phrases that frame discussion. He says that when people treat their […]

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Slides from Leveraging Cognitive Bias Talk

Here are the slides from the talk I gave at d.Construct in Brighton a few weeks ago. Leveraging Cognitive Bias in Social Design View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: dconstruct08 interface-design)

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Activity-Centered Design

Is the future of design activity-centered? Quite some time back I argued that Information Architecture was the wrong frame in which to approach design. My post got a lot of push-back from the established IA crowd, who claimed that I was either wrong or claimed that my view was just rehashing existing debate. I probably […]

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