ARCHIVE: August, 2009

Feature Development in Action: Broadcast Stream Messages in Socialcast

In which I describe how we discovered the broadcast stream message feature in Socialcast.

Continue Reading: Feature Development in Action: Broadcast Stream Messages in Socialcast

Using your Sign-up form as a Qualifier

I recently ran across an interesting way to qualify people using sign-up forms at

Continue Reading: Using your Sign-up form as a Qualifier

No Sign-up Necessary (the strikethrough method)

Two apps, Posterous and SignApp, have a novel way to communicate how easy it is to start using their product. I call it the strikethrough method.

Continue Reading: No Sign-up Necessary (the strikethrough method)

Coming Soon: Make them Care! (my new book)

A quick update on my latest project.

Continue Reading: Coming Soon: Make them Care! (my new book)

Designing for Social Traction (slide deck)

Here is the slide deck from a talk I gave last week at Delve, a two-day masterclass held in Brooklyn, NY.

Continue Reading: Designing for Social Traction (slide deck)

What metric are you designing to improve today?

While aesthetics are subjective, behavior is not.

Continue Reading: What metric are you designing to improve today?
