ARCHIVE: April, 2014

JTBD Interview Script

Alan Klement has created a useful Jobs-to-be-done interview script that can help your team get started uncovering valuable information around product usage: A Script To Kickstart Your Jobs To Be Done Interviews Klement says: “The keystone of the Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) philosophy is the customer interview. When you’re able to work with a […]

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Paying to get rid of pagination on Really?

Yesterday I wrote about how the design of the illustrates the negative influence of advertisers on the site: the experience is degraded almost to the point of ridiculousness. Pages regularly have more than half of their real estate dedicated to linking to terrible, shallow content meant only to get clicks. Another, similar situation. Slate […]

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UI Analysis: Screen real estate on homepage

One of my motivators for creating the What to Wear daily report was the poor experiences I have had with weather sites. I never seem to enjoy using weather sites to do even the simplest of tasks, like finding out what the weather is right now. It seems as though weather sites are not in […]

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Pictures under glass

If you’ve never read Bret Victor’s Rant on the Future of Interaction Design, now is a great time. Victor rails against what he calls “pictures under glass”, or the pervasive vision of the future which involves touch screens for everything. He points out that humans interact with the world in amazing ways, specifically through our […]

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Super normal product design

I like this idea by Dave Morin: Super Normal: “When you set out to create a new product, you usually do not start by trying to think of something completely new. You think of a product or concept that is already “normal” to the world, and then try to make it better. You make it […]

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