ARCHIVE: January, 2015

Tips on how to hire a good designer

It seems like everyone is hiring designers! They’re hiring product designers, UX designers, creative directors, directors of design, UI designers, visual designers, etc. There are even acquihires of entire design teams! So…how do you find a good designer? First, a quick backstory for people who have never read my blog before. Until this past August […]

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Does Apple care any more?

Marco Arment, in his recent post Apple has lost the functional high ground: “But the software quality has fallen so much in the last few years that I’m deeply concerned for its future. I’m typing this on a computer whose existence I didn’t even think would be possible yet, but it runs an OS with […]

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In detail: Designing in context for mobile

I’m noticing an interesting practice emerging when designing for mobile: in-context messages that help you learn or give feedback about an app. Here’s an example: In this example from the New York Times Now app, the designers have dropped in a “quick tip” to let you know that you can swipe left to discover new […]

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