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Don’t be dismayed by noisy metrics

A good reminder from Andrew Chen, who notes how bad many consumer metrics are conversion/percentage wise: Why consumer product metrics are all terrible. “Other than the exceptional cases, consumers are impatient and disinterested in your product. Even the ones who sign up to try it out, only a small % are willing to stick around […]

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How we do design at HubSpot

The folks at Invision did an interview with me on how we do design at HubSpot. Topics covered: what HubSpot software actually does, the tools we use to design, the critical elements of our workplace, and what the HubSpot offices look like. In talking with the Invision folks I found out that their interview series […]

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Design duds != business duds

If you haven’t yet read Mills Baker’s recent post Designer Duds: Losing our seat at the table, you should. Mills makes some excellent points, including this one that I regard as his thesis: “In order to avoid losing its place atop organizations, design must deliver results. Designers must also accept that if they don’t, they’re […]

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JTBD Interview Script

Alan Klement has created a useful Jobs-to-be-done interview script that can help your team get started uncovering valuable information around product usage: A Script To Kickstart Your Jobs To Be Done Interviews Klement says: “The keystone of the Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) philosophy is the customer interview. When you’re able to work with a […]

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Paying to get rid of pagination on Really?

Yesterday I wrote about how the design of the illustrates the negative influence of advertisers on the site: the experience is degraded almost to the point of ridiculousness. Pages regularly have more than half of their real estate dedicated to linking to terrible, shallow content meant only to get clicks. Another, similar situation. Slate […]

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