TAG: Design

Dieter Rams: “Apple has achieved something I never did”

The design legend admits that Apple is in a class by itself.

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Functionality, Gamification, and Feedback Loops

A fantastic article on feedback loops at Wired gives a nice overview of what they are: “A feedback loop involves four distinct stages. First comes the data: A behavior must be measured, captured, and stored. This is the evidence stage. Second, the information must be relayed to the individual, not in the raw-data form in […]

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What metric are you designing to improve today?

While aesthetics are subjective, behavior is not.

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Interfaces need editors

Jason Fried on editing interfaces. He says:

“What matters is the editing. Software needs an editor like a writer needs an editor or a museum needs a curator. Someone with a critical eye and the ability to say “No, that doesn’t belong” or “There’s a better way to say this.” Physical constraints create natural limits for books and museums. Books have pages and museums have wall space. Software, on the other hand, is virtual, boundless.”

I completely agree with Jason on this. You need someone pushing back as much as you need someone pushing forward. You need, not necessarily a critical eye, but a concerned eye that isn’t colored with the effort of creation. A creator is almost never equipped to be objective about their creation. (nor should they be)

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