April 24th
Trend: Social Networking passes Porn
Everyone is social. Not everyone is into porn.
Continue Reading: Trend: Social Networking passes Porn
TAG: Social Design
April 24th
Everyone is social. Not everyone is into porn.
Continue Reading: Trend: Social Networking passes Porn
April 20th
Why opinions from anybody but users rarely matter.
Continue Reading: The hidden lives of MySpacers
April 18th
A big part of the disruption going on in software is that collaboration is much more important than feature lists.
Continue Reading: Collaboration is the Killer App
April 17th
A fascinating study demonstrates how simply displaying aggregate data like Top 10 lists heavily influences the way people make decisions on social web sites.
Continue Reading: How Aggregate Displays Change User Behavior
April 12th
An interesting way to think about social connections and design.
Continue Reading: Why Circle of Friends Works in Social Networking
April 11th
Thought provoking video of how life is changing:
Continue Reading: Shift Happens
April 9th
Nice find in my referral logs.
Continue Reading: Make your Blog more Usable
April 4th
Could form follow failure instead?
Continue Reading: Does Form Really Follow Function?
March 26th
Kathy Sierra is awesome for standing up and sharing what happened so that others can learn and prevent it in the future.
Continue Reading: Kudos to Kathy Sierra
March 22nd
Nicholas Wade, in Scientists find beginnings of Morality in Primate Behavior (NYTimes), produces a definition of sociality. Sociality is comprised of four behaviors: empathy the ability to learn and follow social rules reciprocity peacemaking So this would answer the question: What does social mean? That’s a core part of what we’re talking about here at […]
Continue Reading: 4 Behaviors of Sociality