ARCHIVE: January, 2009

Game Mechanics for Interaction Design: An Interview with Amy Jo Kim

Game design expert Amy Jo Kim shares her insights into applying game principles to the design of online communities.

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The Curious Case of Twitter and Twply

A good example of deceitful design.

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7 ways designing in public can improve your business

In response to yesterday’s post, Garrett Dimon, creator of the bug and issue tracker Sifter, shot me an email explaining his reasons for designing in public. Garrett built Sifter basically in the public eye, from the initial ideas all the way through production. (here is an example: Smart Return in Sifter) This is exactly the […]

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Why I like 37signals Design Decision Posts

I really like the design decisions blog posts at 37signals. A recent example: Design Decisions: Saying more in less space on the new Highrise site, in which a designer (in this case Jason) discusses how he made changes to a certain design. He shows the initial design, lays out the rationale for change, and then […]

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Thoughts on the Friendfeed interface

Note: Before I wrote this Paul Buchheit (of Friendfeed) had responded to others’ posts with a great post of his own Overnight success takes a long time and asked for feedback on the Friendfeed service. Consider this my contribution… Some modest suggestions for improving the Friendfeed interface Friendfeed is getting a lot of chatter in […]

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What Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers can teach us about interface design

I recently finished Outliers: The Story of Success, the latest book by Malcolm Gladwell. More than any other writer, Gladwell can take any topic, even the most dry and boring, and turn it into compelling reading. Each time I receive a New Yorker magazine and see Gladwell’s byline inside, I immediately read whatever he wrote […]

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